Sunday, August 9, 2009

And So It Begins.....

Here we go.....I have to admit that starting this blog is completely self-serving. I am 40-something years old and I'm not getting any younger. It's apparent every morning when I look in the mirror, when I reach for the ball on the tennis court, when I try to get up after sitting and watching my boys play hockey at the freezing cold ice rink.....the list goes on and on. I'll stop there since I don't want to be depressing - but, you get the picture. The point is that I am realizing that there are a million things that I want to do before I get too old and lose the capacity.

Several of my dreams have already been realized. I am a mother to three beautiful, wonderful children, I live in a great place with my roots firmly planted, and most recently, I opened an online cupcake bakery called Torilyn's Cupcakes.....hence the title and reason for the blog! The Torilyn's Cupcakes bakery is a somewhat unfinished dream, however, since I really won't be satisfied until I have my very own storefront - but I'm working on that! Although I am not currently in a financial position to afford said storefront, I truly believe that this is a part of my future and I will forge ahead until the dream has come to fruition.

I, like most of us (that seems misleading since nobody is reading this blog as of yet), have oodles of unfulfilled dreams as well. One of the top ten.....I have ALWAYS wanted to write a book. Forever and ever since I was a little girl. I would collect pens and pencils and paper, always made sure that I had a proper writing desk in my room and had huge dreams of being a writer someday. Unfortunately my confidence level didn't keep up with my collection of writing paraphernalia and I sort of gave up on the dream.

Okay.....I've gotten slightly off-track. To summarize, I am a mom, a cupcake baker and wanna be writer. So, after attending the movie "Julie and Julia" on opening night with the neighborhood ladies and realizing that my bucket list is getting longer and my time left on earth is getting shorter, I decided to go for it - I'm gonna start a blog!!

Here's what I hope to do.....

*share with readers my passion and love of baking
*blog about my baking successes and failures (and, yes, there have been quite a few)
*let my readers know a little bit about me
*work on my writing in hopes of getting a bit closer to one of my dreams
*find someone to hand me a check for $250,000.00 to open the best damn cupcake bakery in
the world (just kidding - kinda!?!)
*inspire you, the reader to follow your dreams!

Here's what I'd like from you.....

*share with me your passion and love of baking
*share your stories about baking successes and failures
*tell me a little bit about you

I look forward to taking this journey together, so let's go.....

I will close with a quote that I recently saw on a friends facebook page that I absolutely fell in love with -

"The earth gives us food to nourish our bodies and we prepare the food with love to feed our souls and we serve it with compassion to make us whole" - Le Tresor of Pistoulet

Much Cupcake Love,



  1. Oh I am so thrilled you started this blog! I love hearing about your baking and the wonderful cupckes you have created. How fantastic to see you in such a great place with desires and ambitions. I want to tag along on your jounney and be the first customer at ToriLyn' store fromt cupcake bakerey!!

  2. My recent favoties quote: "You just have to decide if you're a Tigger or an Eeyore."~Randy Pausch

    Victoria - there is no doubt you are a Tigger!! Best of luck. You'll love blogging.


  3. Your passion and honesty come through so vividly- you ARE a writer (and a dreamer, a baker, a mother, a wife, a tennis player & friend)- and apparently a Tigger! Congrats on the blog- and since we're sharing quotes- the great Shel Silverstein comes to mind in his opening poem "Invitation" from "Where the Sidewalk Ends" (yes I'm a mother too): If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in! -Kristen

  4. Thanks Kristen! I loved "Where the Sidewalk Ends" - one of my childhood favorites :)
